步驟 1/5
卡仕達醬做法:煮牛奶,香草精,和1/4杯的砂糖(方子一半量)直到微微沸騰Bring milk, half of the sugar (1/4 cup) and vanilla to a simmer. 與此同時,在另外一個碗中混合剩下的1/4杯砂糖和蛋黃混勻後再加入玉米澱粉和麵粉,混勻Mean while in another bowl, mix remaining sugar (1/4 cup) and egg yolks, then mix in corn starch and flour將微微沸騰的牛奶慢慢加入蛋黃混合物,一邊加入一邊攪拌Turn off the heat, whisk hot milk gradually into yolk mixture
步驟 2/5
再把混合物放回鍋中加熱到沸騰,然後中火煮兩分鐘,要一直攪拌!(鍋千萬不能太熱)Return custard to stove, bring to boil and cook 2 mins on medium high, whisking constantly關火,加1/2杯黃油,攪拌勻Turn of the heat, whisk in first 1/2 cup of butter
步驟 3/5
將卡仕達醬室溫放涼直到18攝氏度用電動打蛋機告訴攪拌一分鐘,加入剩餘黃油後繼續電動攪拌,直到奶油狀並蓬鬆cool custard to 65F (18C) Beat on high speed for one minAdd remaining butter, beat until creamy and fluffy (5 mins)如果醬中有顆粒,可以稍微用鍋加熱一點後攪拌勻(If grainy, heat up a little bit on stove)卡仕達醬可以冰箱儲存至多四天(Can be refrigerated up to 4 days)
步驟 4/5
步驟 5/5