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["龍蝦奶油義大利麵菜譜Lobster Cheese Sauce Pasta Recipe"]
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Lobster cream pasta can be considered as a extravagant dish. Sometimes, we can consider making these extravagant dish at home. Once you are able to master the making of the sauce, the rest of the process is not too difficult. This type of cream sauce is premised on cooking the ingredients in olive oil and then adding in the white wine and cream, with the final dissolving of the cheese. I would suggest using Parmesan cheese as it dissolves better. With this basic cream sauce, you will be able to change the dish considerably by varying the pasta or the ingredients.

龍蝦 Lobster 1只 1 piece
奶油 cooking cream 250克 250g
乳酪 cheese ( Parmesan ) 150克 150g
白葡萄酒 white wine 兩杯 2 cups
姜,蒜 garlic, ginger 少許 1 tablespoon
  • 步驟 1/13
    買一隻龍蝦,一般凍的也可以Buy a lobster (frozen one will also do)
  • 步驟 2/13
    把龍蝦尾切半,把腸和髒東西處理Cut the lobster tail in half and remove all the internal debris
  • 步驟 3/13
    把龍蝦尾切成大塊Cut the lobster tail into large pieces
  • 步驟 4/13
    把乳酪磨成絲,但是建議用Parmesan而不是Cheddar (較好的溶化性)Grind the cheese ( suggest that we use Parmesan and not Cheddar, which dissolves better in the cream )
  • 步驟 5/13
    把鍋燒熱,加入三大勺的橄欖油Heat up a pan and add three large spoonful of olive oil
  • 步驟 6/13
    加入蒜和姜,爆香後加入龍蝦塊,快速翻炒Add in garlic and ginger, fry until fragrant and add in lobster tail pieces and continue frying in the pan
  • 步驟 7/13
    加入兩杯白葡萄酒,繼續翻炒Add in two cups of white wine and continue frying
  • 步驟 8/13
    把龍蝦塊拿起,留下湯汁Remove the lobster pieces and leave the wine sauce behind
  • 步驟 9/13
    加入奶油,加熱後把磨碎的乳酪放入。攪拌直到乳酪融化Add in cooking cream (or whipping cream). When heated up, add in the ground cheese. Stir until the cheese is melted
  • 步驟 10/13
    把義大利麵放入加好鹽的熱水Add the pasta into hot boiling salted water
  • 步驟 11/13
    把義大利麵煮到快熟時(不要完全熟,應該還有一點實心),加入奶油乳酪醬裡When the pasta is almost cooked ( so do not wait until it is fully cooked, it should be a bit al dente in the center), and add it to the cream sauce
  • 步驟 12/13
    最後把龍蝦塊加入鍋內再次加熱Lastly add in the lobster tail pieces and heat up again
  • 步驟 13/13
    裝盤。在意麵上打上現磨黑椒和鮮蘑乳酪Plate up the pasta and sprinkle freshly ground black pepper and cheese


This simple cream cheese sauce can be paired up with other seafood (such as shell fish, octopus) or smoked meat (bacon). Just simply replace the lobster with the new ingredients in the recipe and you will be able to make variations of this pasta

釋出於 2018-12-08