This recipe is a warm and delicious recipe that’s a perfect family meal on its own served with a bowl of warm steaming rice. Chunks of chicken stewed in a mushroom broth with shiitake mushrooms and glass noodles, this dish is as healthy as it is delicious. So give this recipe a try, my family love it and so will yours.
1. 做這道菜的時候要選用小公雞或耐煮一點的雞肉烹飪,不建議三黃雞或肉質太嫩的雞肉烹飪此菜,雞肉太嫩久煮容易爛。
2. 寬粉提前泡好即可,不需要煮。
3. 泡香菇的水過濾後可以代替高湯使菜餚更美味。