The Chinese style meat pie is as tasty as any other pie you will find anywhere else in the world with of course its own unique Chinese style flavors. They’re great as a meal or as a filling snack for the kids and those big man sized kids who just love great tasting food, they are a winner. Follow this recipe for a Chinese pie with a delicious BBQ flavor, you won’t be disappointed, so get to your kitchen and start cooking.
1. 面团一定要和的柔软,煎出来馅饼才会柔软暄腾。
2. 馅料可根据自己的口味调整盐的比例。
3. 馅料和剂子的比例大约为1:1,新手可适当减少馅料分量。
4. 夏天可以不用二次发酵,冬天建议二次发酵10-15分钟。
5. 馅料可以根据自己的喜好调整。
6. 可根据自己的喜好调整剂子的大小。