This Sesame Pancake recipe is an easy recipe to make and one that the whole family will enjoy. It’s a great addition to any meal and can be enjoyed as a snack when you are a little hungry or as the perfect treat for the kids. Filling and healthy this soft and warm tasting bread will delight all who taste it, so take this to your kitchen and show your family the love.
1. 酵母和糖、盐不要直接接触,以免酵母失效。
2. 夏天可以用凉水,冬天最好用温水,可以帮助酵母发酵。
3. 面团一定要充分发酵至两倍大。
4. 一定要大火短时间煎制发面饼,这样煎好的饼才会外酥内软。
5. 没有电饼铛,可以使用厚底的平底锅,这样受热更加均匀。