Soft, moist, healthy and really delicious, that’s the Steamed Pumpkin Cake. Perfect as a healthy snack for the family or combined with the other dishes on your menu, it will always be a popular dish. Simple to make and easy to eat, this is a lovely recipe, so take it to your kitchen and get started, you won’t be disappointed.
1. 白糖和酵母不能直接接触,避免酵母失效。
2. 若可用筷子扎透南瓜块,即南瓜熟透。
3. 和好的南瓜面团要有一定的流动性。
4. 南瓜面团不能发酵过度,否则蒸好的发糕质地会很黏。
5. 南瓜发糕要用中小火蒸,否则发糕的质地会较粗糙。
6. 南瓜发糕蒸制时需远离顶部蒸汽,否则发糕顶部会很湿。
7. 蔓越莓可换成红枣或葡萄干等任意自己喜欢的食材。