If you’re making Potato salad then it must be summer time. Chilled from the fridge, creamy and delicious and a very filling salad to eat, it’s perfect to add with a steak or some cold meats as a side dish. This type of salad is very popular in the west and is often served at a bbq or a buffet, any way you wish to serve I’m sure it will be very popular with your family and friends. Give it a try, you’ll be glad you did.
1. 鸡蛋和土豆不要切的太小块,否则在拌沙拉的时候会失去口感。
2. 判断土豆煮熟的方法:用叉子可以轻易穿透土豆块即可。
3. 沙拉拌好后冷藏隔夜食用风味更佳。